Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Paper paper paper!

I'm one of those who doesn't like paper. Are you with me?

It's tax season once again. That means its the time of year that I get to work with clients who either are fighting off the beast of home-office-paper-gone-wild, or have carefully collected (read procrastinated) stock pile of unorganized business and personal tax paperwork.

Generally, it started out with at least some semblance of a system (how did shoeboxes become the favoured system?) but over time deteriorated. Sometimes badly. I can relate. In part. My own business paper isn't always a pristine, organized, colour coded, expression of harmony and calm. What I have is an in-between. With regular purges. Usually in December or January. And an ongoing distaste for paper. I'd rather be traveling, running, making jello, flirting...

I prefer my paper organized, in attractively coloured files, with consistent labels, and in reality, more than 75% of my paper ends up that way. The other stuff? Well a little less organized, a little more piled up on my table. Current projects, current client files, current marketing, the papers I want to have visible, those are my challenge.

For me, it's kind of like ...(insert your bias here men/women/)...I'll pick men. Can't live with em, can't live without em. That's me and paper.

Now, purging paper is a whole different story. I love that past time! And that's something I'm really good at. Into the shredder/fireplace/ant composter it goes.

So there you go, confessions of a Professional Organizer. Hope you weren't under the illusion that all organizers are uber-organized. We're not. Some day I'll tell you about the Professional Organizer who's teenager threatened to expose her if she didn't hand over the keys to the car. Until then, I've got some filing to do.

But remember, Goodbye Clutter! We make room for what matters. And sometimes that's jello.

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